We have already begun reading groups and this week we will begin focusing on writing in our Writer's Workshop! 

Also, there was a new addition to our room over the weekend... I'll post pictures of the new addition to our class in the next few day!
12/3/2012 07:49:23 pm

hello ms ms idont find consumer information
isay for you in the school ms idont write consumer information and
you say ok iwill put it in science please ms write for thing about what isay it now

ن ي ك
2/11/2013 06:59:56 pm

حزاب انا ريم سالم

ن ي ك
2/11/2013 07:01:39 pm


12/3/2012 07:51:43 pm

please ms herry

alyazia marhoun
2/25/2013 07:43:54 pm

ms i do class dojo but she not working


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